BESCOM Job Recruitment 2016 Updates - Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited will recruit Junior Lineman on standard premise.
- BESCOM Recruitment 2016 - Junior Lineman Vacancies Details: http://web5.kar.nic.in/jlm_bescom/
- Hopefuls ought to apply online by 25-08-2016 by sending online applications with every single related point of interest specified precisely in online application structure.
- Choice Process :
- BMRCL will call qualified contender for composed test. Shortlisted hopefuls will later be called for aptitude tests/archives confirmation.
- About BESCOM
- BESCOM is in charge of force conveyance in Karnataka. BESCOM covers a populace of more than 2 crore.
- BESCOM set out on a noteworthy Reform of the force division. As an initial step, KEB was disintegrated and in its place, KPTCL was fused.
- This was trailed by the constitution of KERC. In the following period of the Reform Process, the transmission and circulation business oversaw by KPTCL were unbundled. Four new dispersion organizations were framed to disseminate power.
- BESCOM has assumed control over the obligation from KPTCL for the dispersion of power in 8 regions and started its operations.
- The transmission and conveyance framework in the state was under control. Later on MSEB was shaped and the private appropriation organizations were amalgamated with KEB.
- KEB was a benefit making association. Be that as it may, in the consequent years, KEB additionally began bringing about misfortunes, essentially because of the expansion in rural utilization and because of the usage of the different approaches.
- To enhance the execution of the force segment, BESCOM turned out with a general approach proposing key and radical Reforms in the force area.
- The Reform has commanded major rebuilding of the KEB and its Corporation. As a feature of corporation, KEB stopped to exit.