BOB Recruitment 2016 - 400 (PO) Probationary Officer Posts :- Bank of Baroda has distributed most recent notice for the enlistment of 400 Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade/Scale-I through a - 9-(nine) months Post Graduate Certificate in Banking and Finance course in Baroda Manipal School of Banking. Envious and qualified competitors can apply online from 02/08/2016 to 21/08/2016.
- BOB Vacancy Details
- All out Posts: 400 Posts
- Name of the Post: PO in Junior Management Grade/Scale-I
- Age Limit: 20 to 28 years as on 01/08/2016
- Instructive Qualification: Degree (Graduation) with least 60% (55% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in any control from a perceived University or any proportional from perceived by Central Government.
- Application Procedure : Eligible hopefuls can apply online through the Bank of Baroda website from 02/08/2016 to 21/08/2016.
- BOB Recruitment Notification Link: http://www.bankofbaroda.com/careers/Admission_2016.asp
- BOB 2016 - 250 Specialist Officer Posts
- BOB, Mumbai has distributed most recent notice for topping off 250 posts of Specialist Officer in MMG/S-II and III. Burning and qualified applicants can apply online from 30/03/2016 to 13/04/2016.
- BOB Vacancy Details
- Total vacancies: 250 vacancies
- Name of the vacancies:
- 01. Finance/ Credit: 95 vacancies
- 02. IT Specialist: 25 vacancies
- 03. Software Development: 10 vacancies
- 04. Planning: 06 vacancies
- 05. Risk Management: 10 vacancies
- 06. HRM Specialist: 07 vacancies
- 07. Recruitment Specialist: 02 vacancies
- 08. HR IT: 06 vacancies
- 09. Economist: 04 vacancies
- 10. Law: 20 vacancies
- 11. Finance/ Credit: 50 vacancies
- 12. Data Scientist: 02 vacancies
- 13. Software Testing: 02 vacancies
- 14. Database Management: 02 vacancies
- 15. Data Analyst: 09 vacancies
- Age Limit and Educational Qualification: Refer to warning for points of interest.
- Application Procedure : Eligible competitors can apply online through the Bank of Baroda website from 30/03/2016 to 13/04/2016.
- BOB Recruitment Notification Link: http://www.bankofbaroda.co.in/SPECIALIST_Officer.asp
- About BOB Bank of Baroda
- At BOB, change is an excursion. It has a starting. There will be no end. It will be a long and troublesome walk. Furthermore, Bank of Baroda will rise more grounded, stronger and situated to have worldwide models. The migration to the forcing Baroda Corporate Center, is a genuine impression of Bank of Baroda's resolve to advance of the times. It won't be strange now, the way things are on the edge of a computerized time, to reverberate the same assessments that guided the Bank in its platinum celebration year - 'a promising future is the continuation of a grand past'.
- It has been a long and significant trip of very nearly a century.
- It is a story scripted in corporate insight and social pride. It is an account of customary brokers and their remarkable commitment in the rising of BOB to the considerable statures of corporate greatness.
- Bank of Baroda Logo
- The logo of Bank of Baroda is a remarkable representation of an all inclusive image. It contains double letter shapes that hold the beams of the rising sun.
- The sun is a fabulous representation of Bank of Baroda. It is the absolute most effective wellspring of light and vitality and its broad beams disperse obscurity to enlighten all that they touch. At BOB, we look to be the source that will help every one of our partners understand their objectives. To our clients, we look to be a one-stop, solid accomplice who will help them address distinctive monetary needs. Workers of Bank of Baroda are offer compensating professions and to our speculators and business accomplices, most extreme profit for their venture.
- Bank of Baroda perceive that it is described by differing qualities. It's system of branches traverses land and social limits. The clients of Bank of Baroda originate from a wide range of ventures and foundations.
- The sun of BOB is a sign that it is perceived and is set up for new business standards in a globalized world. In the meantime, BOB will dependably stay in contact with our legacy and persevering connections on which our bank is established. By receiving an image, Bank Baroda plans to impart both.
- When numerous banks fizzled Bank of Baroda kept conveying it's keeping money administrations.
- It has been a shrewdly coordinated development, including corporate shrewdness, social pride and the vision of helping other people develop, and developing itself thusly.
- The Real legends behind Bank of Baroda
- No history is finished without notice of its legends, for the most part normal individuals, who turn in additional standard exhibitions and add to building an establishment. Throughout the years, there have been a huge number of such individuals.
- There were likewise the pioneers, both corporate and illustrious, who gave the vision and guided the Bank through trail blasting years, and leaving, deserted impressions on the sands of time. This Roll of Honor will be inadequate without notice of men.