Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2016 – Apply Online for 1315 Officer and Clerk Posts: Bank of Maharashtra has circulated notice for the enlistment of 1315 General Officer, Security Officer, Clerk and Officer open doors. Qualified hopefuls may apply online from 12-08-2016 to 06-09-2016. Other information given below.
- Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2016 - 1315 Officer, Clerk Posts.
- Bank of Maharashtra (A Government of India Undertaking), Pune has distributed a warning for enlistment to Probationary Officers, General Officers, Security Officers, Clerk,Agriculture Assistant and Legal Assistant in Clerical Cadre for 1315 opening. Online Applications can be submit from twelfth August 2016 to sixth September 2016.
- Name of Post : Probationary Officers, General Officers, Security Officers, Clerk,Agriculture Assistant and Legal Assistant Absolute Number of Posts : 1315 Posts
- Points of interest of Posts
- Trial Officer : 500 Posts
- General Officer (Senior Manger MMGS-III): 100 Posts
- General Officer (Manager MMGS-II): 200 Posts
- Security Officer – Manager (MMGS II) : 15 Posts
- Representative (Sales Assistant) : 200 Posts
- Lawful Assistant : 100 Posts
- Farming Assistant : 200 Posts
- Training Qualification:-
- a) Probationary Officer : (i) Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in any control from a University perceived by the Govt of India or proportional capability. (ii) One year PGDBF from the Bank's empanelled Institute at hopeful's expense.
- b) General Officer (Senior Manger MMGS-III): (i) Candidate must be a Graduate and hold a Professional capabilities like MBA (Finance)/CA/ICWA/CFA/FRM/CAIIB. (ii) Minimum Four years Post capability work experience and the involvement in handling credit recommendations of MSME, Mid Corporate and Large Corporate advances with any Scheduled Commercial Bank is required.
- c) General Officer (Manager MMGS-II): (i) Candidate must be a Graduate and hold Professional capabilities like MBA (Finance)/CA/ICVWCFWFRM/CAIIB (ii) Candidate must have least Two years Post capability work experience and the involvement in handling credit recommendations of MSME, Mid Corporate and Large Corporate advances with any Scheduled Commercial Bank is required.
- d) Security Officer – Manager (MMGS II) : (i) Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in any control from a University perceived by the Govt of India or any comparable capability. (ii) An Officer with 10 years of authorized Service in Army/Navy/Air Force and not underneath the rank of Captain or identical or an officer not beneath the rank of Asst. Commandant in para Military Forces or cop not beneath the rank of Asst. Administrator of Police/Dy. Administrator of Police with 10 years experience.
- e) Clerk (Sales Assistant) : (i) Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in any order from a University perceived by the Govt of India or any equal capability (ii) Candidate must have six months Certification course from the Bank's empanelled Institute at competitor's expense.
- f) Legal Assistant : Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Law from a Government perceived University/Institute.
- g) Agriculture Assistant : Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Agriculture/Agriculture united exercises from a Government perceived University/Institute.
- Age Limit : Minimum age 18 years and greatest age 28 years for Probationary Officer, Clerk (Sales Assistant), Legal Assistant, Agriculture Assistant; Minimum 23 years and most extreme 32 Years for General Officer (Senior Manager), General Officer (Manager) and Minimum 28 years and most extreme 45 Years for Security Officer posts.
- Determination Process : Selection will be made through execution in Screening Test/Written Test led by West Bengal PSC.
- Application Fee : SC/ST/PWD competitors need to pay Non Refundable Application Fee of Rs.100 while every single other hopeful are required to pay Rs.600 as Application Fee And Intimation Charges. Charge must be pay online at the season of utilization accommodation.
- Step by step instructions to Apply : Candidates can apply online through authority site www.bankofmaharashtra.in through "Enlistment" join from twelfth August 2016 to sixth September 2016.
- Imperative Dates.
- Opening Date for Online Application Submission : 12.08.2016
- Shutting Date for Online Application Submission : 06.09.2016
- BOM Notification Link: http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/Current-Openings.asp
- Bank of Maharashtra Vacancy Details:
- Indicate No. of Posts: 1315
- Name of the Post: Officer and Clerk
- General Officer MMGS – III: 100 vacancies
- General Officer MMGS – II: 200 vacancies
- Security Officer MMGS – II: 15 vacancies
- Colleague Law Graduates: 100 vacancies
- Colleague Agril Graduates: 200 vacancies
- Officer (Non Conventional) I in JMGS – I: 500 vacancies
- Colleague (Non Conventional) with 6 Months Certification Course: 200 vacancies
- Age Limit: Candidates age purpose of repression should be between 23 – 32 years for Post No. 01& 02, 28 – 45 years for Post No. 03 and 18 – 28 years for Post No. 04 to 07. Loosening up of age will be fitting as per Government Guidelines.
- Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Graduation for Post No. 01 and 02, Graduation in any request for Post No. 03, 06 and 07, Graduation in Law for Post No. 04, Graduation in Agriculture or Agriculture Allied Activities for Post No. 05 from an apparent University/Board.
- The best strategy to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website www.bankofmaharashtra.in from 12-08-2016 to 06-09-2016.
- Basic Dates:
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 12-08-2016
- Last Date to Apply Online: 06-09-2016
- Perused full notice here: http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/Current-Openings.asp
- #Origin of Bank of Maharashtra
- Bank of Maharashtra was enlisted on sixteenth September 1935 at Pune with an approved capital of 1 million by a gathering of visionaries with the target to serve the basic man who was till then disregarded by the managing an account framework.
- #Mission of Bank of Maharashtra
- To guarantee speedy and proficient reaction to client desires.
- To develop items and administrations to oblige different segments of society.
- To embrace most recent innovation on a ceaseless premise.
- To construct proactive, proficient and included workforce.
- To improve the shareholders' riches through best practices and corporate administration.
- To enter universal field through branch system.
- #Vision of Bank of Maharashtra
- To be a dynamic, forward looking, techno-shrewd, client driven bank serving differing areas of the general public, improving shareholders' and representatives' quality while moving towards worldwide nearness.
- The Bank kept on having the backing and support of the regular man. Right from its initiation, the center of the Bank has been to help little business endeavors, merchants, independently employed and others generally known as the Priority Sector.
- #Why enlistment in Bank of Maharashtra
- Concentrated on Employees: The Bank's strategies and procedures (especially in HR) will be centered around enhancing representatives, offering a vocation as opposed to a vocation.
- Quickened Growth: The Bank will give chances to its workers to vocation development through introduction in different occupation families and sub-families.
- Meritocracy: The Bank will give significant prizes and open doors in view of representative execution and potential through reasonable and straightforward execution and profession administration forms.
- Comprehensive: The Bank will give representatives a comprehensive workplace that advances differing qualities of societies, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, age and thoughts. All Employees will be treated with poise and regard independent of their parts or their experience.
- Deep rooted Learning: The Bank will give a dynamic learning environment to help workers unleash their maximum capacity, guarantee extraordinary execution and assemble long lasting employability.
- Young and Energetic: The Bank will convey advanced administrations and take into account the requirements of the 21st century. The Bank will empower the adolescent to drive more noteworthy development later on.
- #Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment Process:
- The enlistment procedure at Bank of Maharashtra is to be according to the rules characterized by the Government of India.
- Current rules order that the enrollment of Probationary Officers and Clerks will occur through Institute of Banking Personnel Selection as it were.
- For the enlistment of authority officers, the Bank can utilize representatives either through IBPS or utilize its own particular procedure.
- Representative Recruitment: http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/downdocs/Corrigendum-for-Advertisement-dated-01-08-2016-for-Recruitment-of-Officers-and-Clerks.pdf
- Trial Officer Recruitment: http://www.bankofmaharashtra.in/downdocs/Recruitment-of-Probationary-Officers-in-JMGS-1-PGDBF-Project-2016-17-Recruitment-Notification.pdf