Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) welcomes application for enlistment of Technician posts. Competitors must apply before 09/09/2016.
- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) Enlistment Details: http://cimap.res.in/recruitment
- Work Location: All India
- Post Name: Technician
- No. of Post: 07 (UR-3, OBC-1, SC-2, PWD(VH)- 1)
- Instructive Qualification: SSC/tenth standard with Science subjects with 55%
- marks in addition to ITI endorsement in Electrician or National/Mechanical/Automobile/State exchange declaration in Electrician or 2 years full time experience as a student preparing from a perceived organization in the exchange of Electrician/Automobile with Tractor and Light Motor Vehicle Driving permit.
- Pay Scale: Rs.5200-Rs.20200/ - + Grade pay of Rs.1900/ -
- Age Limit: 28 years as on 20/09/2016
- Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay application expense Rs.100/ - as it were. The competitors having a place with SC/ST/Women/PWD/Abroad applicants and general representatives of CSIR are exempted from installment of use expense.
- Step by step instructions to Apply
- Qualified and intrigued competitors are required to fill the application structure ONLINE by getting to the site https:/www.cimap.res.in. from 10/08/2016 to 09/09/2016.
- The Printout of the application, produced after online accommodation, appropriately joined without anyone else bore witness to duplicates of the essential declarations/mark sheets of date of birth, instructive capabilities, experience, and group endorsement, assuming any, tended to the ″Controller of Administration, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Post Office-CIMAP, Lucknow-226015″ ought to achieve this office by rate post/enrolled post prior to 30-09-2016.
- The envelope containing the application ought to be superscribed "Application for the post of … . (Post code … Advt. No. … )″.
- Begin date for Registration for Online Application: tenth August, 2016
- Last date for enlistment for Online Application: ninth September, 2016
- Last date for Fee Submission Online/Offline: fifteenth September, 2016
- Last date for Submission of Online Application: twentieth September, 2016
- Last date for Receipt of physical duplicate of use at CIMAP: 30th September 2016
- For more points of interest, please allude to authority warning from the connection given beneath:-
- http://www.cimap.res.in/english/images/vacancies/2016/2-2016advt.pdf