CUTN Recruitment 2016 – JRF/SRF/RA Posts: Central University of Tamilnadu has welcomed an applications for the enrollment of JRF/SRF/RA (Chemistry) opportunities for venture titled "Outline and Heteroacences of Electronic Applications" on impermanent premise.
- Central University of Tamlinadu Vacancy Details: http://cutn.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/CSIR_ADV_SN_100816.pdf
- Name of The Posts: JRF/SRF/RA (Chemistry)
- Age Limit: Candidates upper age farthest point ought to be 28, 32-35 years for JRF, SRF and RA as on the date of use. Age unwinding is pertinent by 5 years for SC/ST/OBC and Women, physically impaired applicants.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.Sc in Chemistry/Organic Chemistry, NET/GATE capability for JRF, M.Sc in science with NET/GATE capability for SRF and Ph.D in Chemistry for RA.
- Instructions to Apply: Eligible hopefuls may send their applications on plain paper with bio-information and supporting records to Dr. S. Nagarajan, Professor and Head Department of Chemistry, Central University of TamilNadu, Thiuvarur 610101 or by email to snagarajan@cutn.ac.in at the latest 22-08-2016.
- Last Date for Submission of Applications: 22-08-2016.
- About Central University of Tamlinadu
- Legislature of India established the Central University of Tamil Nadu, alongside eight other Central Universities, through an Act of Parliament in 2009. It is a piece of the more noteworthy part that the Central Government accepted in making advanced education open to applicants from the weaker segments of the general public. With eight understudies in M.A. English Studies, the college began working from November 2009, at the Collectorate Annexe at Thiruvarur, 60 kilometers toward the east of Thanjavur.
- In any case, today the University sits on the back of a noteworthy distributary of the well known Cauvery stream in the heart of the Delta seven kilometers toward the north-west of Tiruvarur. Being the capital of the antiquated line of coozar, Tiruvarur was a town of incredible vestige and a nursery for the customary types of move and music. Stream Vettaaru keeps running between the Nagakudi grounds which houses the workforce and staff quarters, visitor house and Kendrya Vidyalaya on the north, and the Neelakudi grounds with its address lobbies, library, research centers, organization square, theater and understudies' inns on the south. Both grounds are settled in a tremendous, verdant paddy tract, concealed a long way from the madding hordes of urban locales.
- In the calm, rustic environs this unitary, private college rises with scholastic action—exploration, instructing and assessment with unrestricted self-governance as schools which continually test in educational module, syllabi, educating, learning, testing and assessment strategies. The understudies and the staff dwell together in the grounds which makes instructing and learning proceed past the class work and the classroom.
- The University offers Integrated M.Sc., postgraduate and doctoral projects. The divisions of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry offer I,M.Sc. programs. Postgraduate projects are accessible in the bureaus of English Studies, Tamil, Media and Communication, Social Work. Right now, Economics and Social Work projects are keep running in a joint effort with coaching organizations, in particular, Madras School of Economics and Tata Institute of Fundamental Sciences. The vast majority of the divisions have started doctoral projects as well. The Community College of the University offers Water Management, Para Legal Course. For these the University has marked M.O.Us with the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, and National Law School University of India, Bengaluru. Eager scholastic life, support for the behavior of classes, gatherings, and workshops at the national and universal level, vivacious social exercises, civil arguments, games and diversions, rivalries and celebrations from the principal year have molded the scholarly ethos of this foundation.
- Today, the University has 1005 understudies on its rolls. Affirmation is through a typical selection test which empowers understudies from any piece of India to sit the examination anyplace for any of the seven colleges and join a University of her decision on legitimacy. Originating from different parts of India the understudies, employees and staff, as a group, shape the variegated India which our nation truly is.