FACT Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Recruitment 2016 – Master Posts and Medical Officer Posts. The Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore (FACT) has issued a notice for the enlistment of Master opportunities on contract premise. Qualified competitors can apply in the recommended application design at the very latest 25-08-2016. Different points of interest like age breaking point, instructive capability, determination process and how to apply are given beneath
FACT Ltd, a manure and concoction manufacturing organization in Kochi, Kerala, India, was consolidated in 1943. FACT began creation of ammonium sulfate with an introduced capacity.near Cochin. It is the primary compost manufacturing organization.
FACT History
The factory initiated creation of ammonium sulfate at the beginning of Indian freedom utilizing wood as the crude material for generation of smelling salts. With the impact of time, wood gasification got to be uneconomic and was supplanted with naphtha improving process.Through a progression of development projects, FACT soon turned into the maker of the broadest scope of manures suited for all products and all dirt sorts in India.It turned into a Kerala State open division undertaking in 1960 and in 1962,it went under the Government of India. Enhancement to undeniable designing services(FEW)in the compost field and united ranges took after. The following significant stride forward was the broadening of petrochemicals,an essential turning point in the development of the organization.
- Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Recruitment (FACT) Vacancy Details:
- Absolute No.of Posts: 04
- Name of the Posts: Master
- Age Limit: Candidates upper age ought to be 62 years as on 01-09-2016 (Should be conceived after 31.05.1954).
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Minimum inferior Masters Certificate under KIV Rules.
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible competitors may present their application alongside self verified duplicates of every significant authentication, archives and envelope ought to be superscribed with "Application for engagement of Master on Contract premise 2016″ to the Senior Deputy Manager (Human Resources), FEDO Building, The Fertilizers And Chemicals Travancore Limited, Udyogamandal. P. O., PIN-683 501on or before 25-08-2016.
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 25-08-2016.
- FACT Official Website: http://www.fact.co.in
- Other Recruitments Links are given below:
- Recruitment of Master for Ammonia barge: http://www.fact.co.in/Secure/admin/writereaddata/Documents/master_barge_contract_appltn.pdf
- Recruitment of Medical Officers: http://www.fact.co.in/Secure/admin/writereaddata/Documents/medical_officer_appl_form.pdf
FACT Ltd, a manure and concoction manufacturing organization in Kochi, Kerala, India, was consolidated in 1943. FACT began creation of ammonium sulfate with an introduced capacity.near Cochin. It is the primary compost manufacturing organization.
FACT History
The factory initiated creation of ammonium sulfate at the beginning of Indian freedom utilizing wood as the crude material for generation of smelling salts. With the impact of time, wood gasification got to be uneconomic and was supplanted with naphtha improving process.Through a progression of development projects, FACT soon turned into the maker of the broadest scope of manures suited for all products and all dirt sorts in India.It turned into a Kerala State open division undertaking in 1960 and in 1962,it went under the Government of India. Enhancement to undeniable designing services(FEW)in the compost field and united ranges took after. The following significant stride forward was the broadening of petrochemicals,an essential turning point in the development of the organization.