ICMR Recruitment 2016 - Indian Council of Medical Research will recruit employees for Permanent and Temporary job posts. ICMR vacancies includes Scientist, Clerk, Assistant, MTS, DEO and other profiles.
- ICMR Recruitment 2016 Permanent Job Posts are Scientist, Library Clerk, Technical Assistant and Multi Tasking Staffs.
- ICMR Recruitment 2016 Temporary Job Posts are Senior Resident, Administrative Assistant, Stenographer, DEO, Research Associate, Technician, Microbiologist, Lab Technician, Project Assistant, Technical Assistant and Multi Tasking Staffs.
- Get ICMR Permanent Vacancy Details here.
- Get ICMR Temporary Vacancy Details here.
- Vision, Misison and Social Responsibility of ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
- The ICMR has developed throughout the years in accordance with changing wellbeing research needs, viably tending to the new difficulties that have developed
- The present methodology is to have close collaboration with national wellbeing frameworks, including sickness control programs, which are upheld by the proceeded with misuse of experimental and mechanical advances from essential to connected exploration, from biomedical to wellbeing sciences, and from research center to field research
- ICMR is presently one of the constituent assemblages of the recently made DHR, whose vision is "to convey cutting edge wellbeing innovation to the general population through advancements identified with diagnostics, treatment techniques and immunizations for avoidance; to make an interpretation of them into items and forms and in collaboration with concerned associations to bring these developments into general wellbeing frameworks'
- The Mission of the ICMR is to advance better wellbeing in India through exploration
- It gives stewardship, leads and backings wellbeing research, creates information and guarantees its usage, and creates assets for wellbeing research in zones of national general wellbeing significance
- ICMR Recruitment - Permanent Posts
- ICMR Recruitment - Temporary Posts
- Since the formation of DHR in September, 2007 in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ICMR serves as the support for DHR by directing and supporting innovative work for the advantage of the Indian open
- The consistent reconciliation between the ICMR (era of new learning) and the DHR (putting this new information to open great) has begun decisively
- ICMR likewise goes about as a specialized exploration arm of the Health Ministry to examine wellbeing crises, flare-ups of new contaminations, supplementing National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and is called upon to give basic inputs to National Disease Control Programs, exercises of Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and so on
- What's more it is required to speak to Indian Medical Research in all respective and multinational wellbeing research duties of Govt of India
- It additionally gives backing to States Govt's wellbeing programs, infection reconnaissance and overviews, research and demonstrative bolster program execution, worldwide participation, and so on
- To empower the era of new Intellectual Property and take an interest in the improvement of items and procedures valuable to national wellbeing programs
- ICMR Headquarters give data identified with various exercises of the ICMR and give open access to data and information bases of the ICMR