SSC CHSL Syllabus 2015: New Revised Exam Pattern, Tier 2 Exam on 18th September, Details at Staff Selection Commission main website.
- Recommended: Download SSCCR CGL Tier 1 Exam 2016 Admit Card Here
- SSC CHSL Tier 2 exam will be hung on 18th September. Changes have been made to the examination example of SSC CHSL 2015. Take in more about the new exam design here.
- SSC has pronounced new changes in the exam example of CHSL 2015. The Commission has presented Tier 2 exam, where qualified hopefuls need to show up for engaging paper of 100 imprints in 'Pen and Paper' mode. This exam will be held before the aptitude test/writing test (Tier 3).
- The length of the exam will be one hour where the written work expertise of understudies will be surveyed. The Paper would include composing of an Essay of 200-250 words and Letter/Application composing of around 150-200 words. Paper can be replied in Hindi or English.
- The Commission has further expressed that the base qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 for each penny and the execution will be incorporated for planning merit.
- Level 3 examination will be of qualifying nature. The last value of the fruitful hopefuls would be resolved on the premise of aggregate score got by them in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
- The Commission had declared the aftereffect of SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam prior. 30 lakh understudies had showed up for the exam, while just 60 thousands could figure out how to qualify the exam.
- Staff Selection Commission led the Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Examination, 2015 on 01, 15 November, 6 and 20 December and re-exam on 23 July 2016 for enlistment to the post of Data Entry Operators and Lower Division Clerks at different focuses everywhere throughout the nation.