UOM University of Mysore Recruitment 2016 - University of Mysore vacancy of Project Fellow, Lab Assistant and Stationary Assistant Posts.
- University of Mysore Recruitment Project Fellow Details: http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/sites/default/files/content/isf-ugc_recruitment_notification-edited.pdf
- UOM is Looking for qualified contender to act as Project Fellow on aggregate 1 posts on contract premise.
- Intrigued applicants may send their applications according to given organization with every single required report of capability, experience, age to achieve the given location by 25-08-2016 .
- University of Mysore Project Fellow Vacancy Details: http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/sites/default/files/content/isf-ugc_recruitment_notification-edited.pdf
- UOM is Looking for qualified possibility to fill in as Project Fellow on aggregate 1 posts on contract premise.
- Intrigued competitors may send their applications according to given arrangement with every single required archive of capability, experience, age to achieve the given location by 25-08-2016 .
- University of MYSORE Lab Assistant Job Details:
- UOM welcomes applications for 1 posts of Lab Assistant on contract premise.
- Intrigued and qualified applicants ought to send their Bio-Data on a plain paper along with one arrangement of photocopies of archives in backing of capability, experience, age and one photograph to the given location as to reach by 29-08-2016 .
- University of Mysore Stationary Assistant Recruitment Details:
- UOM is Intending to choose qualified and intrigued competitors as Stationary Assistant and Various on 3 posts on perpetual premise.
- Intrigued and qualified applicants need to send their applications to the given location by 13-09-2016 according to given arrangement with every single required record.
- University of Mysore Emblem
- UOM symbol is adjusted from the Royal Emblem of Mysore. It portrays the winged animal Gandabherunda flanked on either side by the lion-elephant Sharabha (legendary animal accepted to be more grounded than the lion and the elephant, and upholder of honesty), surmounted by a lion.
- The adage of UOM, as imagined in its token may be, "Nothing is Equal to Knowledge" and the second line "I Always Uphold The Truth"summarizes the vision, moral fabric and optimism of the Founders and of the University.
- About University of Mysore
- UOM has created great base for curricular co-curricular and recruitment exercises. The University Library has a gathering of 6.2 lakhs covering books, reference works and diary back volumes. What's more, the individual constituent universities/establishments and divisions keep up their own book accumulations adding up to another mega storage and institutional stores and other data sources. The library has set up a Carrier Information Resource Center and Learning Resource Center for Visually Challenged. The primary grounds highlights an amphitheater, a hall, a swimming pool, and lodgings for ladies and men with present day civilities and solaces.
- Subsequent to evaluating its over all execution, the University of Mysore was initially certify by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with Five Star status in the year 2000 and has been reaccredited in 2006 at A+ level again NACC reaccredited An evaluation in 2013. Ebb and flow Science has positioned the University of Mysore as one of the main 20 Universities in Scientific and Research exercises.
- Considering the advancement of the University every which way and its commitments to the general public, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has considered University of Mysore as `Institution of Excellence' and has recompensed uncommon gift of Rs.100 Crores for building up Center of Excellence in "Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and Sustainable Development" furthermore to fortify infrastructural offices in the University.On proposal of Karnataka Knowledge Commission, the Karnataka Government considered University of Mysore as a "Creative University". University of Mysore is beneficiary of a few exploration and other scholastic projects of UGC, CSIR, DST and DBT and different organizations of Govt. of India. It is applicable to specify that as of late, University Grants Commission has honored University of Mysore - University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) and has amplified money related help of Rs.50 Crores for examination exercises and for all encompassing improvement of the University. With the legacy that the University appreciates, and the submitted Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff it has, there is doubtlessly the University of Mysore investigates every possibility to push ahead to keep up elevated expectations in instructing, learning and look into and perform Excellence in Higher training.