Braithwaite Burn & Jessop Construction Company Ltd Career Recruitment 2016 - BBJ Limited will recruit Eng inner (Civil, Mechanical) and Manager (Civil, Material Management).
- Recommended
- BBJ Official Website - http://bbjconst.com/
- BBJ Recruitment Page - http://bbjconst.com/careers.html/
- Candidates are requested to visit BBJ Career page for complete details
- Job Post: Dy. General Manager (Civil Cadre)
- Vacancy: 01
- Age: 52 years
- Qualification: B.E, M.E, B. Tech, M. Tech or A.M.I.E. in Civil Engineering
- Working Experience: 17 years
- Job Post: Manager (Material Management)
- Vacancy: 01
- Age: 45 years
- Qualification: Graduate
- Working Experience: 12 years
- Job Post: Deputy Manager (Civil Cadre)
- Vacancy: 02
- Age: 40 years
- Qualification: B.E, M.E, B. Tech, M. Tech or A.M.I.E. in Civil Engineering
- Working Experience: 08 years
- Job Post: Assistant Civil Engineer, Assistant Mechanical Engineer
- Vacancy: 04
- Age: 34 years
- Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
- Working Experience: 02 years
- Vision of BBJ
- Improve, outline, build other Engineering wonders with high Engineering standard through condition of craftsmanship innovation and cost productive practices.
- Stay beneficial, gainful, innovative, agreeable and fiscally solid with look after all partners
- BBJ Recruitment Page - http://bbjconst.com/careers.html
- Mission of BBJ
- Be a world class head Engineering Project executing association.
- Develop signature Bridges and Engineering wonders with in and outside India.
- Turned into an imaginative, entrepreneurial, continually making esteem and achieving worldwide benchmarks.
- Being Committed to aggregate consumer loyalty and persistently upgrading capacities of the association and representatives through development and aptitude up degree.
- BBJ Jobs - http://bbjconst.com/careers.html
- About Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam Limited
- This organization was established in 1986. Presently BBUNL has been renamed as BBJ by Indian Government powers. So starting now and into the foreseeable future we will allude to it as BBJ. BBJ participates in the development and building business in our nation. BBJ fabricates offers steel structures for railroad, extensions and vast business structures, and different mechanical and capacity sheds, and also incorporated structures. BBJ likewise embraces different tasks, including seaward stages for warm power ventures, and turnkey activities of cross-country areas, and additionally attempts development works.
- The early story of BBJ began around 1930. The perpetually expanding activity development between the urban communities requested a more extensive and more grounded development works. The administration powers as needs be settled on building that planner.
- The employment of BBJ without a doubt called for more prominent skill. So the three designing mammoths other than this compay met up with their unfathomable encounters and drifted another organization. In this manner on 1935, BBJ named as "Braithwaite Burn and Jessop Construction Company Ltd was established.
- The forward walk started in with the wonder of late accomplishment with the second development of Bridge which drove various building historic points spread crosswise over India and abroad.
- BBJ Jobs Link - http://bbjconst.com/careers.html
- BBJ is a backup of BBUNL.
- The development of this organization was synonymous with the general development of our nation. Its towering accomplishments are abundantly clear in different planner works in India.
- BBJ has likewise attempted rebuilding production of created mechanical structures and legitimate development of real business and regulatory structures.
- Get all BBJ Jobs Recruitment Notification Here