CETC Recruitment 2016 - Service of Defense - 811 Combat Engineering Training Camp welcomes applications from Applications the qualified Indian Nationals for direct enrollment of non military personnel posts Group "C" opportunities.
- Combat Engineering Training Camp Recruitment Details: http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10622_16_1617b.pdf
- Age Limit: 18 to 27 Years for all posts.
- Pay Scale: PB-1 ? 5200 - 20200 + Grade Pay ? 1800/1900
- Choice Process: The Selection procedure will contain an Initial Screening of all competitors, a Physical test (as appropriate), Written Test (for all classes), Typing Test (As material) and Trade Test (As relevant). Last legitimacy will be settled on the premise of imprints acquired in the Written Test.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: The application flawlessly wrote/written by hand is to be submitted according to recommended application design given on plain paper of A-4 size alongside Admit Card (in copy), significant annexure and bore witness to confirmed duplicates of required records is to be sent to "THE OFFICER COMMANDING, 811 CETC, PIN - 913811, C/O 56 APO" by Registered post/Speed post.
- The postal spread envelope (measuring 25 cm x 10 cm). Two self tended to Envelope of size 25 cm x 10 cm appropriately attached with postal stamp of ? 25/ - each ought to be joined with the application structure. Encompass ought to be superscripted as "Application for the post of LDC/Storekeeper Gde-II/C and J/P and D/Welder/Blacksmith/Engine Artificer/Equipment Repairer/Watchman (MTS)/Lascar (as material) connected for against which classification i.e UR, OBC, SC/ST, ESM/PH unmistakably specified whichever is pertinent (in Capital letters).
- Legislature of India, Ministry of Defense, 1 Armd Div Ord Unit, Pin - 909001, C/O 56 APO welcomes applications from Indian Nationals for enrollment of Tradesman Mate (past Mazdoors). Apply inside 21 days from the date of promotion in Employment News Paper
- Combat Engineering Training Camp Recruitment Details: http://indianarmy.nic.in/writereaddata/documents/OS20110816.pdf
- Least Qualification:
- (1) Matriculation or identical.
- (2) Knowledge of Hindi.
- Instructions to Apply: Eligible Candidates will forward application appropriately fixed, in an envelope to the location THE COMMANDING OFFICER, 1 ARMD DOU PIN - 909001 C/O 56 APO said against the post connected for, through Ordinary/Registered/Speed Post. Application in individual won't be acknowledged. Competitor are asked for to superscribe the words APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TRADESMAN MATE (ERSTWHILE MAZDOORS). on the highest point of encompass while sending the application structure.
- The last date for receipt of use is 21 days from the date of production of the promotion in the Employment News (i.e. Last date might be 02/09/2016). If there should be an occurrence of hopefuls having a place with Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, Laddak Sub Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District of Pangi Sub Division Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Island and Lakshdweep might be 28 days from the date of production of this ad.