Satara DCC (District Central Co-operative Bank) Bank will recruit 396 candidates for the Job post of Clerk / Peon with a salary package of ~ Rs. 13500/-. Apply Online for this Satara DCC Bank Vacancy before 6th February 2017.
➽ Satara DCC Bank Recruitment Details
- Job Post -
- Junior Clerk - 246 posts
- Junior Peon - 130 posts
- Total Vacancy - 396
- Salary -
- Junior Clerk - Rs. 13500/-
- Junior Peon - Rs. 12000/-
- Qualification -
- Junior Clerk - Graduate / 12th Pass + Shorthand Typing (Marathi and English).
- Junior Peon - 10th Pass
- Age Criteria - 18 to 38 years
- Job Location - Satara, Maharashtra
- Last Date - 6th February 2017
- Application mode - Online
- How to apply?
- To apply for Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://recruit2017.sataradccb.com/jr-clerk-instructions.pdf
- http://recruit2017.sataradccb.com/jr-peon-instructions.pdf
- Application link ➤
- http://recruit2017.sataradccb.com/
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➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ Satara DCC Bank recruitment notification : Satara DCC Bank has invited application from the candidates of Satara, Maharashtra region to apply for Clerk / Peon job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this Satara DCC Bank recruitment drive for Clerk / Peon job post can apply through Online mode. Please refer to the official Satara DCC Bank notification links for the enlistment of Clerk / Peon job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon recruitment are advised to apply before 6th February 2017.
Candidates applying for this Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Satara DCC Bank - Clerk / Peon job notification given above.
❍ Age Criteria : Age of candidates applying for Clerk / Peon profile of this Satara DCC Bank enlistment must be 18 to 38 years.
✛ Further Satara DCC Bank - 396 Job Details
- Instructive Qualification:
- Junior Clerk - Bachelor's Degree or 10+2 Pass from Recognized University/Institute/Board. PC Knowledge and Shorthand Typing in Marathi and English Language.
- Junior Peon - Minimum Matriculation Pass from State Board or pertinent capability.
- Determination Process: Written Test and Personal Interview
- Application Fee: ₹ 500/ - for General and OBC Category Candidates. Points of interest look at authority take note. The last date for receipt of utilization expense is tenth February 2017.
- Instructions to Apply: Eligible and Interested Persons Apply Online through Satara DCCB Recruitment Portal. The end date for online enrollment is 06/02/2017. The Online enrollment was deferred because of decision.
- According to "Model Code of Conduct for ZP and Panchayat Samiti Election 2017" Bank's Junior Clerk and Junior Peon Process of tolerating on the web applications, Fee Chalan Printing and so forth has been suspended the set of accepted rules period.