TNUSRB Recruitment 2017 - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job notification. Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board will recruit 15711 candidates for the Job post of Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder. Apply Offline for this TNUSRB Vacancy before 22 February 2017.
➽ TNUSRB Recruitment Details
- Job Post - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder
- Vacancy - 15711
- Qualification - 10th Pass
- Age Criteria - 18 to 24 years
- Job Location - Tamil Nadu
- Last Date - 22 February 2017
- Application mode - Offline
- How to apply?
- To apply for TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder vacancy refer links given below.
- Notification link ➤
- http://www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in/GR2PC_JW_Firemen_2017/advertisement.pdf
- Application link ➤
- http://www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in/GR2PC_JW_Firemen_2017/information_brochure.pdf
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➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ TNUSRB recruitment notification : TNUSRB has invited applications from the eligible candidates to apply for Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this TNUSRB recruitment drive for Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job post can apply Offline through http://www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in/GR2PC_JW_Firemen_2017/information_brochure.pdf. Please refer to the official TNUSRB notification links as given here - http://www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in/GR2PC_JW_Firemen_2017/advertisement.pdffor the enlistment of Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder recruitment are advised to apply before 22 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job notification given above.
Candidates applying for this TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder job notification given above.
❍ Important : Candidates applying for TNUSRB - Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder recruitment are advised to read notification carefully given here - http://www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in/GR2PC_JW_Firemen_2017/advertisement.pdf.
❍ Age Criteria : Age of candidates applying for Constable, Fireman, Jail Warder profile of this TNUSRB enlistment must be 18 to 24 year.
✛ Further TNUSRB Job Details
- Age Confine (as on first July 2017): 18 to 24 Years for General; 18 to 26 Years for BC and MBC; 18 to 29 Years for SC/ST; 18 to 35 Years for Female Dowagers; Greatest 45 Years for Ex-Serviceman.
- Instructive Capability: Least tenth Class (Registration) Go with Tamil Dialect as one of the subject. 20% need for Tamil Medium tenth Passed applicants.
- Physical Norms:
- (a) Stature - Men - Least 170 cms for General, Least 167 cms for SC/ST; Ladies - Least 170 cms for General, Least 167 cms for SC/ST.
- (b) Trunk - 81 cms (Development - 05 cms).
- Application Expense: OMR Application frame rate is ? 30/ - . Hopefuls are required to pay application charge through indicated 284 Mail station.
- Exam Expense: Rs. 135/ - Postal Stamp, The stamp appended with the filled OMR application shape.
- Determination Handle: Composed Test, Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Productivity Test (PET) and Restorative Exam.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: The Filled OMR Application Frame alongside required Photograph duplicates of archives/declarations ought to be reach to TNSURB. The last date for accommodation of utilization is 22/02/2017 up to 5:45 PM.